
Comfortable accommodations, unforgettable meals, and informative guides are not all we offer at SCP Corcovado Wilderness Lodge. A sense of sharing the adventure while making new friends, learning and participating in an experience unlike any other, and earning a broader understanding of the fragile ecology of the rainforest will make this a voyage to remember for a lifetime.

Oceanview Village

Our new Oceanview Cliffside Village is a unique and enchanting location in Central America's last low-lying tropical rainforest. This extraordinary village offers a one-of-a-kind experience where luxury meets nature in a breathtaking setting.

Rainforest Village

Our newly updated Rainforest Village accommodations offer a luxurious and secluded retreat amidst the beauty of nature. Its stunning architecture, comfortable interiors, and enchanting outdoor space provide an ideal sanctuary for guests to unwind, rejuvenate, and create unforgettable memories in the heart of the rainforest.