Wellness Retreats in Costa Rica

 Through our wellness retreats, you’ll embark on a journey of yoga, meditation, and a healthy lifestyle. You’ll also enjoy earth-focused activities and great sleep, allowing you to elevate your wellness journey to new heights.

Upcoming Retreats

January 6-12, 2025

New Year Reset Retreat

This exclusive retreat in Costa Rica brings you to SCP Corcovado Wilderness Lodge on the Osa Peninsula; a property only accessible by boat. Let’s fight our seasonal depression, regulate our nervous systems and start our year off feeling reset and inspired. This retreat offers a perfect balance of yoga and adventure on a path to a happier, healthier more connected you. The perfect way to start 2025!

Holly Wellness Retreat

Lead by Holly

Holly is a Seattle-based content creator with an affection for travel and adventure. She shares her tales of self-discovery through her deep connection to nature.

Retreat Details

  • A private charter flight from San Jose to Drake Bay, coordinated by the hotel, departs on the morning of January 6th and returns to San Jose on January 12th.
  • Ground transportation from Drake Bay Airport to the boat port.
  • Lodging (single or double occupancy rates available).
  • Daily yoga sessions.
  • Snorkeling tour in Isla del Cano.
  • Kayaking and waterfall hiking tour.
  • Entrance fees and a guided hike in Corcovado National Park.
  • Bird watching tour.
  • Journaling session with Holly.
  • Daily breakfast, lunch, and dinner (schedule based on arrival times).
  • Rates are available three days before and after retreat dates, based on availability.


Please reach out if you have further questions about our upcoming retreat using our inquiry form.